It has been a particularly challenging year for all of us. But this year more than ever, we’ve come to see just how powerful we can be when we raise our voice and take a stand on issues that affect our communities and the world at large.
The inauguration of a day to discuss, interrogate and celebrate the concept, principles, and impact of influence in today’s world became necessary having realized the potential for good or otherwise in an age where truth is at risk, trust is endangered and the most vulnerable amongst us, helpless.
There are almost a billion people living below the poverty line today, according to the World Bank. Fake news has become an epidemic, as humans everywhere become increasingly vulnerable to manipulation.
Citizens no longer trust their governments, consumers are wary of brands and companies. Democracy is struggling even as we face health and economic crises that have crippled even the most advanced nations.
There is an opportunity in all of this. An opportunity to understand what it means to be living in the age of influence; living in a time when everyone can and should have a voice. And, especially how to understand and differentiate between good and bad influence. Why and how to dial up the voices and values to help the world avert crisis, prevent conflict, build trust and credibility. How to convince everyone desirous of a better world — for us and unborn generations — to be part of a decentralized global network of humans doing and being good and pulling others towards same.
We can’t compel or force people and companies and governments to be, and do better. But there’s no better time to begin discussing and activating the resources that will drive us towards the kind of leadership we so badly need. The kind of direction we need for our lives, for our families, for our nations. The kind of direction we so badly need for our world.
This is our mission. And we believe you can help by joining us today to recognise and celebrate the first ever Global Day of Influence.
- By changing your WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn profile picture to the GDI avatar
- By joining the influence challenge today. How?
- Post a picture of your biggest influence(s)
a. Tag them and explain how they influence you. These individuals must be people that inspire you to take a stand.
b. Use the hashtags #MyBiggestInfluence #GlobalDayOfInfluence
c. Nominate other people to do the same
I look forward to working with you and taking deliberate steps — no matter how tiny it may seem — towards leaving our world better than we met it.
It is possible.
- Ayẹni Adékúnlé Samuel